Mother Nature's Floral Symphony: The Inspiration behind "Bringer of Spring"

This is what I kept hearing in my head over and over as I woke up to another dreary gray winter day. Bundled up in 20 layers and woolen socks, I slinked into my studio and began the journey towards making that inner voice a reality.
Inspiration always finds us working. Finally back in the studio 😍 greasing the wheels to create something. Although it’s slow going, I can feel inspiration seeping its way into my body.
To break the art block and warm my creative juices, I pulled out newsprint paper, some black ink, some brushes, and a sponge, and created lots of patterns. No rhyme or reason really. Just random marks for my current mood.
which apparently is lots of splotches (no surprise there!)

Then, I moved onto picking my topic for painting...
Quite frankly, after being in super cold winter conditions and gray skies for a whole month, this image in my mind was a welcome sight. I should totally move out of New England and migrate to warmer climates. But I digress.
It's now time to make it all happen...

As I painted, I found myself reflecting on the strength that exists within each of us, especially within women. Like Mother Nature herself, we have the power to bring life into the world—not just in the literal sense, but in the way we nurture ideas, relationships, and the spaces we inhabit. We create warmth, beauty, and transformation, often without realizing just how much we give.
Yet, in the rush of everyday life, it can be easy to forget this power. We get caught up in responsibilities, in the noise of the world, in the expectations placed upon us. But just like the earth remembers to bloom again each spring, we, too, can return to our own creative force—our ability to bring light, to shape the world around us, to embrace our own cycles of renewal.
This piece is my tribute to that quiet but profound strength and is now available as a canvas print. A reminder that even in the moments when we feel small, when the winter of self-doubt lingers, we carry within us the potential for spring.